How do I make a booking at Lotus Hotel.com?
You can make a room booking online via our website at www.lotushotelsubang.co.id, by phone via our call Center at +62260 417577, or by walk-in at our hotel.
Can I make a booking on behalf of another person?
Yes, you can. You are required to provide Guest First name, Last Name/surname and ID/Passport Number when making booking.
Can I make a booking on behalf of another person but pay it through internet banking account?
Yes you can
Can I check in if the booking is under someone else’s name?
No, onlu the person whose name and valid ID stated in the booking confirmation can be allowed to check ini.
If I am making a booking for one room for 2 persons, do I need to provide both names?
No, you only need to provide one name. The person named in the booking must be present during check in.
How do I check if I have successfully made a booking?
You will receive a confirmation/booking reference number upon succesfull booking with full payment.
Must I Print out my booking reservation?
It is advisable to print out your booking reservation for easy convenience and check in at the hotel. If you don’t have a print out of your reservation, please confirm your booking details at the Reception Desk and provide your identification.
In what currency do I pay for my stay at the Hotel?
At this moment we only accept  Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) as payment for your stay at our hotel.
What is the time i can check-in and check out?
The time you can check-in is 12:00 hours and you also can check-out at the same time 12:00 hours  (local time)
Do you have parking facilities?
Yes we  provide a parking facilities in front of the Hotel Lobby, also there are public parking facilities available surrounding the Hotel.
Is there a minimal number of nights I must book?
One (1) night.
What is the maximum number of nights I must book?
Infinetly, subject to availability
Can I cancel my booking?
If you cancel your booking at least two (2) days before your schedule check in date, a cancelation fee of IDRxxx will be deducted from your payment. The Remaining amount will be transferred into your account. If you cancel your booking less than 2 days before check in date, the the total payment made is deemed forfeited. If the the total payment is less than IDRxxx, there will be no refund and the whole payment will be deemed forfeited.
How do I cancel my booking?
Email us at lotushotelsubang@gmail.com about your cancelation. Please attach following  information :  booking number, guest number, booking date & payment date.
Does Lotus Hotel offer refunds?
Lotus Hotel does not provide refunds.
Are meal included in the price? Is breakfast included?
Yes, breakfast are included for two (2 person)
Is there an F&B outlet in the Hotel?
XXXX but there are a lot of small restaurant arround the Hotes, since the Hotel location is at the center of Subang City.
Is there Internet access in the Hotel?
Yes, we provide free of charge wiFi Internet connection at the lobby. Internet speed subject to availability provided by the vendor.  In normal condition connection speed up to  Kbps
Do the room have en-suite bathrooms?
Yes, all the rooms have en-suite bathrooms equipped with power shower.
Are the rooms air-conditioned?
All rooms come equipped with air-conditioning unit, and there are no additional fee for this facilitation.
What are the beds like in the rooms?
All rooms come with a high quality bed by xxx (eg.King koil)
What are the bed sizes?
We provide two (2) category of room, ones with two(2) small size of bed for two person and the other comes with one (1) queen sized bed for double category.
Are bed linens provided?
Yes, all the beds come with king koil 250 thread count 100% cotton Duvet with satin stripes, king koil 200 thread count 50/50 pollycotton flat bedsheet, and kingkoil 250 therad count 100% cotton pillowcase with satin stripes.
Does the Hotel provide additional or have extra beds available?
Yes, we provide additional beds with addtional charges IDR xx for each extra bed.
Is there hot water in the Hotel?
Yes, there is Hot water provided in all rooms.
Does the Hotel provide towels, soap, shampoo etc?
Yes, all the items mentioned are included in our services for free of charge.
Is there room service in the Hotel?
Yes, we provide room service for 24 hours
Do the Hotel rooms come with a telephone, television, mini bar, tea & coffe making facilities?
Yes, we provide those facility in every room
Do the room have windows?
Some rooms have windows and some rooms do not.
Are there electrical power point (AC Socket) in the rooms?
Yes, there is at least one (1) electrical power point available in the room.
Do I have to clean my room? Is there housekeeping services?
You do not need to clean your room. Housekeeping id provided daily.
How often is cleaning of the rooms done?
Housekeeping services is provided daily.
What should I prepared when check in?
You must show your identification card or paspport at check in. We will collect IDRXXX as refundable deposit. During check out we will return your deposit (subject to xxx)
How can I book for connecting rooms?
You can request for connecting rooms at the front desk only and it is subject to availability.
How much are your room rates?
We have Three (3) kind of rooms, Deluxe room is IDR 400.00; Superior room IDR 350.000 and Standard room IDR 300.000
Can I change my room type upon check in?
Yes you can, but only to the higher type of room. Eg. you are already booking for standard room, upon check in you like to change the room type in to superior room. Since you have made full payment for the room you already booked, then we will re charge for the additinal room fee.
Can I request for the housekeeping not to clean my room?
Yes, you can. Just hang the “Do Not Disturb” sign at your door.
Is there a wardrobe in the room? Can I hang my clothes in the room?
Yes, there are wardrobe  in every room. You can hang your clothes with the ready available clothing hooks.
Can I smoke in the Hotel rooms?
No, Lotus Hotel is a non-smoking hotel. You are not permitted smoke in the premises of the Hotel except for specially designated areas in the lobby.
Can children stay unaccompanied in the Hotel?
No, and by children we mean anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years of age.
Are guest allowed in the hotel/room?
Yes, guest are allowed in the Hotel in the company of the Hotel staying guests.


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